Frequently Asked Questions

What is a MUD?

A municipal utility district (or “MUD”) is a governmental entity that acts to provide certain public services. FBMUD 48 lies within the city limits of the City of Missouri City and acts to facilitate certain municipal functions – specifically, public water, public wastewater collection and treatment, drainage, garbage collection and public park and recreational facilities.

In order to pay for the public facilities and services to its constituents, FBMUD 48 (i) charges monthly usage fees to cover water, wastewater and garbage collection services and (ii) levies an annual property tax, which allows FBMUD 48 to pay for the debt service on bonds issued by FBMUD 48 for construction of public facilities and other operation and maintenance expenses.

Who is in charge of FBMUD 48? How does FBMUD 48 Board get elected or appointed?

FBMUD 48 is governed by a Board of five directors (“Board”), who have equal voting authority. Each director serves a staggered 4-year term, with elections in May of every even-numbered year. For example, three directors were elected in May 2018 and they will serve until May 2022. The remaining two director positions will be elected in May 2020 to serve until May 2024. There are no current term limits for directors.

How do consultants and contractors get selected?

FBMUD 48’s Board of Directors engages qualified contractors, consultants and service companies in providing services to its residents. All contractors, consultants and service providers serve at the discretion and direction of the Board. FBMUD 48 currently has no employees.

Consultants Page

Where can I get reports about water quality?

Municipal District Services can provide information regarding water quality. On an annual basis, Municipal District Services provides all customers a consumer confidence report, which provides water quality data on water supplied to residents in FBMUD 48.

If you live in Parks Edge and Dry Creek, please visit

What does my monthly water/sewer bill cover?

Each month you receive a combined water and wastewater bill from Municipal District Services. The bill covers the following expenses:

  • Water
  • Wastewater & Garbage Collection

These bills are based on the Rate Order adopted by FBMUD 48’s Board.

( Note: Water and sewer rates for Dry Creek and Parks Edge are established by the City, not FBMUD 48. )

How do I contact FBMUD 48?

All meetings of the Board of Directors are open to the public. Meetings are conducted at 11:30 am on the SECOND Thursday of each month at designated meeting places inside the boundaries of the District. Residents of the District have the right to request the designation of a meeting location within the District under Water Code Section 49.062(g). A description of this process can be found at:

If you would like to contact the Board of Directors or obtain any public records of FBMUD 48, you may send a written request to FBMUD 48’s official office at the following address:

Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District No. 48
c/o Polley Garza PLLC
P.O Box 66568, Houston, Texas 77266
(346) 440-1174

If you have any questions regarding services provided by FBMUD 48, you may also contact the consultants listed above.

Is there any way to lower my FBMUD 48 tax bill?

Each year, the FBMUD 48 Board establishes an annual budget based on its projected revenue and expenses, in determining the tax rate and financing plan for capital improvements. The Board must carefully consider both debt service requirements and operation and maintenance needs. As property value in FBMUD 48 grows as a result of new development, and as debt service requirements decrease as a result of paying down principal, FBMUD 48 taxes will generally decrease.

Although most bonds issued by FBMUD 48 are supported by an unlimited tax rate pledge, the issuance of bonds by FBMUD 48 is subject to strict regulatory review and approval. FBMUD 48 must meet certain financial feasibility requirements prior to approval of the sale of bonds by both the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Attorney General of Texas. For detailed information regarding FBMUD 48’s bonds, please see the Electronic Municipal Market Access website maintained by the MSRB:

In addition, FBMUD 48’s property tax bills are based on appraised value. Therefore, you may also contact the Fort Bend Central Appraisal District if you believe your current home’s assessed value is inaccurate.