Waterline Flushing Notice

Flushing of the District’s water lines will be performed during: Tuesday, September 8th through Friday, September 11th, 2020

FORT BEND COUNTY MUD 48’s water and wastewater operating company, Municipal District Services (MDS), is conducting a comprehensive water line flushing program throughout the neighborhood. MDS will begin at 8:00 A.M. on September 8th and continue throughout the day until 4 P.M. on each of the above dates. The flushing will continue until all of the water lines have been flushed.

What is flushing?

Flushing is a process that rapidly removes water from the District’s water piping system, similar to the process of flushing a car’s radiator. Flushing uses water force to scour out materials that accumulate in the District’s pipes. Water pipes are usually flushed by opening fire hydrants, where the discharged water flows off the streets the same as rainwater.

Why are we flushing?

Imagine driving down the road at less than 1-1/2 miles per hour. That’s about the rate that water moves through underground pipes. This slow movement causes sediment like rust and mineral particles to build up over time and accumulate along the pipe’s bottom. A build up of bacteria known as “biofilm” can also coat the pipe’s inner surface. This combination of sediment and bacteria can restrict water flow in the pipes and contribute to the pipe corroding. Rapid water pressure changes, such as water main breaks and the use of fire hydrants, can stir up the sediment and dislodge deposits lining the pipe, resulting in “discolored water” appearance. Periodically flushing water pipes removes the sediment and biofilm buildup, maintains our District’s infrastructure and assures consistent good quality water.

Isn’t flushing a waste of water?

No. Any overall increase in the amount of water used in flushing is a small price to pay in maintaining water quality and the integrity of the piping system.

How will this affect you?

Usually, you will not be aware that flushing is even taking place in your neighborhood. Flushing is generally conducted between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Approximately half of the District’s fire hydrants will be opened to flush the water pipes. It takes about 30 minutes to flush each hydrant. While the hydrant is being flushed, the homes on that block may experience discolored water or a drop in water pressure. Your water service should not be interrupted. If you have no water pressure, please notify MDS at 281-290-6503. The only sign that a crew has been in your neighborhood may be standing water in the roadway.

What should you do if you turned on a faucet and the water coming out is discolored?

Should a reddish, yellow, or brown tint to the water appear, do not be alarmed. It is recommended you do not use the water or do laundry for about two hours; this will give the sediment time to settle. After you have waited for this time period, run your faucets for about five minutes to make sure the water is clear. If the water does not clear within a couple of hours, notify MDS at 281-290-6503 24-hours per day. The District will not be responsible for damages to clothing, etc.

Municipal District Services, LLC
24-Hour Service (report repairs and emergencies): 281-290-6503
Customer Care & Billing: 281-290-6507

Notice Regarding Reinstitution of Late Fees and Water Service Terminations

Beginning in March, Fort Bend County MUD 48 Board of Directors voted to suspend late fees and water terminations to help residents and businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The District will begin applying the 10% LATE FEE on unpaid balances and will resume water service terminations for non-payment.

Residents will have until September 18, 2020 to make sure their water bill balances are current. If you are unable to pay your water bill, contact us about a payment plan to pay down your balance.

To make a payment plan request, contact Customer Care at 281-290-6507.

PAYMENTS are due on the 18th of each month.